Big Business Marketing Tips for Small Businesses: Aligning Your Strategy

Businesses of all sizes succeed when they apply sound, field-tested marketing approaches. The following blog post is inspired by our whitepaper: Big Business Marketing Tips for Small Businesses. Read the exclusive content by downloading today, or simply contact MAP Communications to learn more about our business marketing tools for small business who are ready to think big.

When you run a large business, the importance of having an aligned marketing strategy is clear. With hundreds, if not thousands of employees, major companies like Google and Apple need to ensure a strong, powerful message to align their unique, global brand. But small and medium sized businesses can also benefit from alignment in their marketing strategy, as well as consistency in their approach to company messaging.

Alignment Starts Within

Aligning your marketing strategy comes more easily once you’ve aligned your internal culture. Expanding your company to include a workforce of trained call center specialists can increase your capacity and build your business; and it is best done as part of a big picture plan that includes a shared vision for your company. A professional call center can free up for brick-and-mortar employees for tasks that require an in person approach. But no matter what role each employee plays, work to build a culture around shared values, and set clear expectations around performance. When you work with a quality call center to handle increased sales, bookings, or other 24/7 concerns, you can provide clear talking points and messaging to guarantee a seamless customer experience.

Aligned Expectations, Positive Results

With an aligned approach to all aspects of your business, you can begin to leverage your internal resources more effectively. When everyone who participates in your business is clear on the overall strategies at play, you can avoid personal opinions getting in the way of important business decisions. Instead, your management team can work to weigh how each action would impact the stated and shared values of your company, then choose the approach that will not only be profitable, but also aligns with your core values.

With clear expectations, businesses of all sizes can better measure their plans against their progress. Relying on the internal resources of your company to create and uphold an aligned marketing strategy means that your business will grow more robust as your team clarifies the vision for your product and/or services. When your team meets and exceeds those expectations, offer your employees some time for celebration and reflection. When things don’t go as planned, be similarly open to reflect on lessons learned and areas for improvement. Establishing clear expectations can help everyone in your company feel like they’re contributing to a shared vision–because they are.

At MAP Communications, we believe that small businesses can think big. We help companies leverage their resources to achieve seamless communication with their customers and improve their bottom line. For more information on our services, contact us today.

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