We all want our customers to like us. Study after study has proven that customers buy from people (and companies) that they like. The problem that often arises is determining precisely the best way to gain the goodwill of your customers. Believe it or not, it is often seemingly minor changes that can have the greatest impact on your customer satisfaction, and, ultimately, your bottom line.
What customers want
Customer service is consistently ranked as one of the most important factors among consumers, typically coming just behind overall product value. Customers want to feel as though your company values their business, and that you are willing to go the extra mile to give them outstanding service. Customers who are treated well tend to buy from the same source time and time again, which means that giving customers good product/service value along with exceptional customer service can dramatically increase the lifetime value of each customer.
Ultimately, when it comes to customer service, consumers want to get quick access to the help they need. Of course, this doesn’t just mean short hold times when they call in (although that is also very important!). With work schedules and life in general already making it difficult for customers to find the time to call for customer support, it is imperative that you offer support on their terms.
The difference a “24/7” sign can make
Some companies still offer limited hours during which customers can call with questions, for support, and even for sales inquiries. While customer service hours have expanded in many companies in recent years, there are still far too few that offer “24/7” support.
Think about it this way: If you are a working parent, chances are you are busy from early in the morning until 8 or even 9pm at night. Even if you have a pressing question for a company’s customer service line, you simply might not be able to get around to making the call (often waiting on hold) during the day. Not only that, but customer service lines are notoriously busy on the weekend, because that’s when everyone who works is trying to get those calls taken care of.
Now imagine if your company had an “available 24/7” sign on your website. Perhaps that same working parent, while watching some late night television, decides to look at your website to see if they can find the answer to their question. Instead, they see the 24/7 sign, and decide to call the number. Within minutes, your customer service line is able to take care of their question.
Don’t you think that customer is going to appreciate the fact that your company went the extra mile to help them on their schedule? Perhaps they will even share the story with their friends the next time one of them is complaining about some other company’s customer service support.
MAP Communications can help you give customers the support they deserve
While the idea of a 24/7 customer service line is appealing, it can seem unrealistic for a business whose employees work a regular daytime schedule. That’s where MAP Communications comes in. Our call centers are available 24/7, which means if you hire us to perform your customer service, your call centers can be available 24/7 as well. Our experienced and professional agents can assist with everything from basic customer service to advanced tech support. We even offer bilingual services for companies who have a multilingual customer base!
Best of all, our customer service agents are all based in the United States, so you know that your customers will be getting help from a native speaker who will understand the nuances of the English language.
If you are ready to positively impact your bottom line by providing the best possible customer service to your invaluable customers, take a look at the inbound call center services MAP Communications has to offer!