
Making the Most of Your HR Department

The human resources department of any company has long been associated with one thing: the dreaded “pink slip.” But today’s HR department can offer more than just hiring or firing. Smart companies will leverage their HR team to create more satisfied, collaborative employees, resulting in a stronger team and a better company overall. Read on… Read more »

Tips for Responding to Complaints on Social Media

The world of social media can be a wonderful place to build community and customer loyalty, but all that positive buzz can come with a price. The easy accessibility of social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter means that upset customers can issue their complaints to the whole world in a matter of seconds. So,… Read more »

5 Rookie Digital Marketing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Digital marketing has become one of the fastest-growing, exciting, and innovative industries in the United States. Last year, 2015, was a particularly impressive year for the industry, with more than an estimated $170 billion being spent on digital marketing efforts worldwide? That trend is only set to increase significantly over at least the next few… Read more »

Different Organizations Your Executive Team Should Participate In

Most of us already understand the importance of networking — often it’s the deals we make through networking that turn out to be the most lucrative for our business. However, too many companies limit networking efforts exclusively to their sales department, which leaves a significant amount of potential business untapped. Small business owners typically understand the importance of… Read more »

Setting Smart Sales Goals

Sales teams are largely, and some would argue entirely, driven by goals. Sales goals are essential for tracking personal and team performance over time, and for giving salespeople, their managers, and department heads or executives, something tangible to reference. SMART goals have become quite popular in the sales world over the past decade or so…. Read more »

5 Ways to Put a Positive Spin on Negative Feedback

Social media is a powerful tool for connecting with customers and fans of your brand, but what happens when your “likes” get soured with negative complaints? With so many opportunities to send negative feedback via social media and review sites, there seem to be countless ways to ignore the age old advice about keeping quiet… Read more »

Make the Most of Your Staff’s Time With an Answering Service

Free Up Calendars And Make the Most of Your Staff’s Time With an Answering Service When you’re managing a company, your staff members are your most valuable assets. However, many managers misuse this vital commodity by frequently having staff focus on tasks that are not as important to the ongoing success of the company, or on… Read more »

Anticipating Your Customer Needs

When you are running your business, you want to create the most exceptional experience for your customers so they will purchase more products and services over and over again. Yet how do you anticipate and recognize their needs? Conducting surveys and talking to them in person can open the doors of communication, yet you still… Read more »

Pros & Cons of Telecommuting for Your Business

Mention the word, “telecommuting,” and it conjures up images of employees dressed in pajamas lounging around in a cozy nook of their homes. With a hot cup of coffee in one hand and their laptop sitting on the nearby table, they furiously type away on keyboards, Skype with clients during web conferences, and get their… Read more »

Creative Ways to Say Thank You to Your Customers

If it wasn’t for your wonderful customers, you wouldn’t have made it through your first unsteady year of business operations or gotten through the turbulent sales periods as you grew your company. They were there for the good and the bad times. Your business has, time and time again, benefited from the customers’ orders and… Read more »