Rightfully so, American consumers are obsessed with getting the best price on their purchases, but many of clients have realized that’s not the only way they should shop. In fact most of our clients had a “cheap answering service” before they contacted us. When shopping for a mortgage loan we carefully examine programs and interest… Read more »
Who Are The Best Answering Service Providers?
If you’re looking to outsource your customer service then at some point you’ll ask yourself just who are the best telephone answering service providers. Unfortunately many people that start out looking for the best qualified call answer service end up making the mistake of finalizing that decision based on who the cheapest providers are. Of… Read more »
How Much Does an Answering Services Cost?
Find Out What it Cost to Hire a Live Answering Service If I had to answer the question “how much do answering services cost” with no information I’d probably say around $1.10 a call, but to give any information beyond that would not only be difficult, but impossible. If you’re trying to learn how much… Read more »
Powerful Advertising Tips For Attorneys
A Single Attorney Advertising Tip to Double New Clients – Surprise, it’s Not More Advertising Do you own a law firm and find that you are investing a fortune in marketing and yet you don’t seem to be getting the return on your advertising dollars that you’d like to see? As of January 2014 we… Read more »
MAP Infographic Compares the Human vs the Machine
You can only make one first impression. When customers call your company, do they receive excellent customer service? At MAP Communications, we recently discovered some startling statistics on how consumers perceive the differences between live phone answering service provided by a human and automated call handling systems. For example, did you know that 85 percent of… Read more »